
A Day With Ginko

Sunday was a busy one for Sal so I decided to visit Mom and Dad at camp. Brandyn tagged along and made the day one to remember. He sat in his seat and Sal gave him a candy and she always has him check how big it is before she lets him bite it up. Of course he asks me before we leave the parking lot "is it small yet".
Once we hit highway 61 I could see he was ready for a nap, so I asked him if he wanted to give me the candy and have a sleep and he did. On arrival he woke up and said somewhat groggily "camp!"
We went to the beach to throw some rocks in ol'Superior, the water is lower than I can ever remember it. We sat around the edge of the lawn and he was inquisitive about everything including some bugs that were no bigger than this . . Great Nanny had some small pebbles in her hand and showed them to him after naming them among other things, Pablo. She told him she was sad because she lost Pablo and he told her, "you no sad, you got me" They took a walk into the bush looking for bunnies, deer and moose and found a crocodile, pink I think he said.
For supper he ate pretty well and really enjoyed the pudding and whipped cream. He left half of it and when Dad and I cleaned up a bit it found the garbage. Of course he decided 30 minutes later to finish his pudding and was upset to find it gone. A piece of tort solved the problem.
Then has asked to go outside and then to see the tractors. Dad offered a ride but he declined until Nelson hopped on and showed him how. He shyly sat in front of Dad for a few laps around the yard.
He stayed on watch for moose and deer all the way back to the restaurant. He really likes Pink Floyd's Dark Side of the Moon. If you know it he was looking all over for the helicopter he thought he heard in the intro but he found Rush's Caress of Steel boring on the way out as he slept through it.
It was a great day and fun to have him by myself and to be able to share with Mom and Dad.

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