
Arrrrgh! Wait Not Enough rrrrrrrrrrrs

walk:3km (Coldplay X&Y)
2 pcs. toast w/peanut butter, coffee, beef on bun, diet pepsi, crackers & cheese, banantini, meat loaf, scalloped potatoes

Today was a typical battle at work. All week long shop jobs have been streaming in. Not like they used to when we had 3 shop guys and me doing the scheduling and ordering, but busy for the times. And what do we do this afternoon, we take 3 cars to the scrap yard on Mission Island. No you can't do that work that will make us money you have to stand at the counter and wait for the phone to ring and hope nobody wants anything cause there's no delivery for awhile. And then next week try and explain why nothing is ready. Arrrrrrgh!

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