
Day 9

  • toast, apple and coffee
  • rice crackers and cheese
  • 2 bottles of water
  • crackers and micro crustini
  • chili, toast and juice
  • cheerios and dried cranberries
  • Molly:5 miles
  • Bridget:17 miles
month to date:191 miles
miles to goal:409 miles

I sure hope the streets of Toronto and the Golden Horseshoe are in better shape than those in Thunder Bay. There are sections of Memorial Ave. that are like a minefield that just hosted a square dance. I avoid Memorial with the girls mostly because of the traffic but it is horrible. Some of the side streets in the McKellar Ward are embarassing. Some one should buy city council a copy of the old 'Sim City' games, letting things deteriorate is not going to attract anyone to town.

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